I want to believe, I do.
Here's how it helps:
- I don't forget to do the things I capture (that which I don't capture, most likely doesn't get done)
- It helps my "mental memory" stay clearer, allowing me to focus (ala Getting Things Done)
- I feel more comfortable that I haven't forgotten something (like the milk I bought yesterday)
- Daily print out of the day's and week's tasks
- I can access it via my phone (see the iPhone layout to the left)
- I can email it with tasks
- It sends me a daily agenda (see the notifications set up below)
- Integrates with Google Calendar to show my my daily tasks quickly
- Integrates with Gmail, you can throw your tasks to the right side of the inbox screen, this is AWESOME
- Double integration with Gmail, you can enable the "Star" feature in Gmail to auto create ToDos for you.
Here's how it doesn't:
- Gut wrenching feeling when I have to postpone something
- Overwhelmed feeling when I look at the list of things that I doubt I'll get to today
Notice anything about that "doesn't" list? Those are NOT valid reasons to quit using RTM, or some other system like it. They are escapism, they are avoidance. They have nothing to do with RTM and everything to do with wanting to be lazy, or to have a "break", or whatever.
Thanks to ahhyeah & Andréia for use of their Flickr images. Check out their other images!